Call for your own event of the film SOLD CITY part 1 and 2
The new "FILMS FROM BELOW" by Leslie Franke and Herdolor Lorenz.
Help us to ensure that the premiere, with hundreds of film events, shows as many people as possible how we can put an end to housing speculation
The film "SOLD CITY" is a film with two parts:
Part 1 - Property before human rights?
Part 2 -Expropiation instead of rent for profit".
102 min. each.
Since the non-profit status of housing has been abolished in Europe, housing is no longer considered a human right. Now the market decides where people live. How will the housing issue be decided in the 21st century? Using Berlin, Paris, Hamburg, Munich, London and Vienna as examples, "SOLD CITY" shows how those affected experience the real estate boom and what options there are to resist it.
For more than a decade, we have been experiencing a unique real estate boom in the world's metropolises. This has a mirror-image flip side: sharply rising rents. Income growth is no longer keeping pace. Low- and normal-income citizens are threatened with displacement from sought-after inner-city locations. A turning point was reached when politicians in Europe decided to end the so-called " non-profit housing system”.
It is no longer the social purpose of housing that is the most important aspect of housing policy, but the return on investment that housing generates. Yield is the profession of the rapidly expanding real estate groups. The real estate companies Vonovia and Deutsche Wohnen, but also LEG, ADO Properties, Covivio, Akelius, TAG Immobilien Grand City Properties, CDC Habitat and others dominate the housing market increasingly all over Europe. They make record profits that industries can't even dream of. The owners are anonymous pension funds and other investment funds from all over the world which - in search of profitable investment opportunities - discovered "concrete gold" for themselves after the 2008 financial crisis. The expectation of a return on investment is changing the urban landscape. It is not only in Paris and London that the city centers are visibly degenerating into a kind of museum for tourists and rich apartment owners. Neighborhoods that have evolved over time are being transformed into up-market very hip districts with the same expensive art and pub culture everywhere. Where working people stream in from the suburbs in the morning and disappear again at night because they can no longer afford the rents there.
"SOLD CITY" not only makes the dangers for urban culture visible. A new social question and an immense danger for democracy can be seen.
The film will explore the question of how people experience the real estate boom, where the rent increases come from and what possibilities there are to resist them. And last but not least, it will also be asked whether it is justified that land, which is finite, with its immense increases in value has been commoditized.
Here you can download the film SOLD CITY in two parts
Path to a film event with the films part 1 and 2 "SOLD CITY"
Films by Leslie Franke and Herdolor Lorenz | Length of each film: 102 minutes
From Sunday, 2 June 2024, the two films "SOLD CITY" will be shown in many hundreds of cinemas and other venues throughout all European countries
"SOLD CITY" is a series of two films from below. Films that concern us all. That's why as many people as possible should be able to see them as soon as possible in as many places as possible. You too can organise your own film event in your town!
We need your organisational support!
First of all, we would like to thank the thousands of donors so far and our numerous supporting organisations. Without your help, "SOLD CITY" could not be realised! But in order to put the issue of yield-oriented housing higher on the agenda and to raise awareness of it with the film, we need not only your monetary help, but above all organisational support!
Together we can achieve a lot!
The concept of as many decentralised film screenings as possible as an aid to political information and mobilisation has already proved its worth with our last films "Water Makes Money", "Who is saving whom?", "The marketable patient" and "Marketable People". Many committed people, NGOs and citizens' initiatives have established networks at countless events. Local references have been established and discussions stimulated. In this way, an important nationwide support for the movements against against water privatisation in Italy, France, Greece, Berlin and other places was created from many individual parts. These successes give us courage!
Together we are strong!
The power of the public also offers protection against the threat of censorship: even before the premiere of "Water Makes Money", for example, there were indications that Veolia - one of the largest global private water companies - would try to stop the screening by means of an injunction. The public pressure and efforts of many hundreds of committed people, active groups and citizens' initiatives were able to prevent this!
We hope that these films will have a similar effect!
My screening
If a cinema screening is not possible or the subject matter of the film reaches a larger audience elsewhere, screenings can alternatively take place in other rooms that are suitable for projections (projector, sound). Examples include district and neighbourhood shops, local trade union centres, club rooms, schools, community centres - or simply your favourite café. Where would you most like to see the film?
... followed by a discussion ...
The screening of "SOLD CITY" is particularly effective if the film is accompanied by information and/or discussion events. Who in your area is familiar with the topic? Which groups or initiatives are politically active and perhaps already mobilising protests? Invite guests who can talk about the situation, exchange experiences and make new contacts!
... and with our support
Talk to us if you need help networking with other interested parties or making contact with potential discussion guests and speakers in your area.
Let us know where and when you want to organise your film screenings. The faster and more extensive our online event map fills up, the longer the list of screenings on our website becomes, the more momentum the campaign gains and the more people are motivated to get involved!
How to reach us:
Here comes the film! DVD /Mov.files for non-commercial events
If you have supported the creation of "SOLD CITY", you will receive your personal film DVD or file. This includes a screening licence for non-commercial events at the location of your choice. If you are planning a commercial event (with profit), please contact us for further arrangements.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the realisation of the film: Through donations, the provision of accommodation during filming, valuable information and much more.
Create publicity!
Draw attention to your film screening now! With the following material, which is available for download:
Film posters to put up in cinemas, shops, cafés, club buildings etc.
Flyers that you can personalise with your own event information (date, location, organiser, speakers, discussion partners, etc.).
Posters and flyers can either be produced by you on the basis of our print templates. Or we can send you copies by post for a small fee!
As soon as your event has been finalised, we will announce it on So please send us all the relevant information as soon as possible. This will not only help us to achieve greater reach and mobilisation. Above all, we are sending out a joint signal against the sell-out of our cities with many, many events.
Tips for subsequent mobilisation work ...
We are providing press material and a trailer in advance. Use the materials to draw the attention of the local newspaper, the city magazine or the radio station to your event! Use the e-mail distribution lists of local associations, trade unions and institutions. Approach local groups, write to your contacts and distribute flyers at events you are attending in the run-up to the event. This will not only attract a larger audience, but also support and co-organisers!
Off to a successful premiere ...
it is particularly important that the two films are talked about through word-of-mouth advertising and possibly even reported in the local press. In order to use the public's interest and involve those who did not have the opportunity to attend, it makes sense for the films to remain in the cinema or elsewhere in the programme after the opening date.
Enlightenment is human dignity. Let's work together to ensure this!
This is how you can reach us:
Premiere campaign team "SOLD-CITY – When housing becomes a commodity".
Ausspekuliert -
Archiv der Sozialen Bewegungen -
ATTAC Deutschland -
ATTAC Österreich -
Berliner MieterGemeinschaft e.V. -
Berliner Mieterverein -
Bizim Kiez -
Bremer Aktionsbündnis Menschenrecht auf Wohnen
Bund demokratischer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler / BdWi
DGB Ruhr-Mark
DGB-Bildungswerk Thüringen e.V. -
Die Anstifter
Deutscher Mieterbund Bayern - Mietenstopp -
Deutscher Mieterbund Landesverband Bayern e.V. -
Dresdner Bündnis "MietenwahnsinnStoppen!" -
Einwohnerverein St. Georg -
ethecon Stiftung Ethik & Ökonomie -
Erwerbslosenforum Deutschland -
Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
Förderverein gewerkschaftliche Arbeitslosenarbeit e.V. -
Fürther Sozialforum -
Globale Leipzig -
Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand - und
Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Deutschland e.V -
Initiative für ein unverwechselbares Graz -
Kieler Bündnis für bezahlbaren Wohnraum -
LabourNet Germany -
KommuneLinks -
Medienpädagogik Zentrum Hamburg e. V. -
Mietenwahnsinn stoppen Dresden -
Mietentscheid-Frankfurt -
Mieterini Steilshoop -
Mieterinitiativen Stuttgart -
Naturfreundejugend Deutschland -
MeM - Berliner Denkfabrik für Wirtschaftsethik e.V. -
Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund ÖGB Salzburg
Offenes Stadtteiltreffen Neckarstadt -
Recht auf Stadt Regensburg -
Solidaritätsnetzwerk -
Stiftung für Mensch und Umwelt -
Unruhe stiften! Künstlerinnen und Künstler gegen Rechts -
Verband für interkulturelle Arbeit e.V. (VIA)
Werkstatt Ökonomie e.V. -
ZusammenKUNFT Berlin -